Line Dance
What is Line Dance?
Line Dance is an independent dance that, as the name implies, is danced in rows and lines. The recipe for success of the Line Dance is very simple: you do not need a permanent dance partner. No one has to lead or be afraid to step on his partner's feet. Everyone dances solo, so to speak. Step errors are not so bad - you just rejoins and dance on. The dance choreographies are taught in a uniform way worldwide, which enables dancers from different backgrounds to dance together. Whether Country, Irish Folk, Rock or Pop, there is something for every musical taste. It is important for us that the music and the choreographies are fun. You would like to know more about Line Dance? No problem, here we have summarized under Line Dance history everything in more detail and chronological.
Line Dance - My Therapy
Exercising the body while calming your thoughts? Line dancing is just the thing! Young or old - Line Dance is thrilling. Recognized since 2002 recreational sports helps to strengthen stamina, flexibility and coordination. By learning the dances or the step combinations, the memory is also promoted. Each dancer can do this individually for himself. The socializing in the group gives a great feeling of life and you can forget the worries of everyday life. Alone with us is none.
What do you need for Line Dancing?
First and foremost a good mood, a bit of tact and a heart for country music - let's start.
Just give it a try and call us at: +49 49 50 15 85!
Line Dance - Catalan-Style

In the beginning was the idea ...
... to make the CATALAN-STYLE better known also in our region. Many are probably wondering "what does Catalan style" mean? The CATALAN-STYLE is a dance style in the Line Dance, which is usually danced with fast-paced and often sophisticated step combinations. The Catalan dances exclusively on country music, from which the normal Line Dance develops. This is not about competition or envy but about fun and joie de vivre.
In Catalan you follow some official rules. For example, the dancers keep one thumb in the host pocket or belt, the other arm only serves to maintain balance - especially during the turns. The knees are slightly bent to keep them agile and better balanced. The movements and turns can be performed on both the ball of the foot and the heel as desired. In addition, the Catalan choreographers always leave us a certain latitude to interpret the dance in our own way. The Catalans remind us that dancing is not a rigid art and we are not robots. We can and may express our freedom here.
Values of the Catalan
The CATALAN-STYLE follows traditional values that are important to us. We are passionate about dance, country music and everything that stands for the "country spirit". We cultivate a friendly relationship and love socializing. Loyalty is very important to us. At Catalan we express our solidarity with enthusiasts, lovers and the curious, who are interested in this style.
Here you can find out more about the Line Dance Etiquette.
Catalan Revolution

Confucius once said, "Wherever you go, go with all your heart."
Catalan Revolution is such a matter of the heart! It is a combination of dancers (m / w) who love the Catalan-Stye and country music. Catalan Revolution was initiated jointly by the Lonesome Riders and the Louisiana Wings and was founded on November 2nd, 2017.
Since then, we meet once a month and learn together new and old Line Dance choreographies in Catalan style. Whether by Adriano Castagnoli, Lilly and Mario Hollnsteiner, David Villellas and all the other choreographers - we just dance what we like. In alternation, the practice evenings take place in Moordorf and Jübberde.
We wish all Catalan friends a lot of fun!
Your Lonesome Rider & Louisiana Wings